Sunday, March 30, 2008
baracks OIL connections
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Sen. Obama has received over $160,000 from the oil and gas companies. Two major bundlers for his campaign -- George Kaiser and Robert Cavnar – are oil company CEOs. Sen. Obama has accepted money from Exxon, Shell, BP, Chevron and just about every other major oil company. Just last month, Sen. Obama accepted another $8,400 from ExxonMobil, $12,370 from Chevron and $6,500 from British Petroleum.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Hoodwinked Politicians
Self interest and personal reasons have led these politicians astray. They have all been HOODWINKED and BAMBOOZLED to quote Malcolm X and Barack Obama. Obama used these terms in South Carolina right after his loss in NH. While he was saying the Tom Bradley effect of racism led the people of NH to vote for Clinton. Obama and his wife are Militant Blacks in the mold of Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X. For this reason he is unelectable. Patrick Leahy and all the rest are destroying any chance of a Democrat making it into the White House. They should be asking Obama to step down and get over the idea and CONCEPT of a black man as president and look at the MAN. REZKO AUCHI ALSAMARRAE,REV.Wright, “NEVER PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN IN MY ADULT LIFE” Michelle, Malcolm X speech plagiarizing Obama is UNELECTABLE! No matter how much support these Hoodwinked Politicians are the rest of America has woken up to smell the stink of deceit by Obama.The stink of a race baiting campaign that is dividing our country along racial lines. If 92% of the women were voting along gender lines what would the media be saying about that. 92% of blacks are voting for Barack why? Racial Identity politics?
Friday, March 28, 2008
what bob casey said
OK REV. WRIGHT IS A RACIST SO WHAT! What does it say about Obama?
Given, Barack is a smart, calculating guy. He chose this church for a reason. Not because he grew up in it (like he is indoctrinating his daughters) as most children do in this country. This is a separatist church in the vein of Malcolm X. The chickens coming home to roost, the feeling of resentment and how the black community has been oppressed since slavery teachings.The 8000 members Barack would be in contact with is a plausable reason to join.It is easy to motivate a group of people against an enemy, a feeling of injustice that has been done to one by another could be putty in the hands of such an ambitious guy could be the reason. This is the moto of this church. Plain and simply BLACK AGAINST WHITE. NO IFS OR BUTS ABOUT IT. This feeling of injustice runs deep in Barack and ( I'VE NEVER BEEN PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN IN MY ADULT LIFE) Mrs Obama.
I think it divides our country. This church continues a message hate and REVENGE and blame of todays blacks.
WILL BARACK IF ELECTED PUSH FOR SOME SORT OF REPARATIONS SOME PAY BACK FOR SLAVERY. This is who Barack chose to be. This is what this church is all about.
Like most religions using God to explain a specific point of viewis common. Using GOD to justify what ever action you want from your followers is the rule since the Bible was written. Using GOD to explain why martyrdom is good is the code for Islam extremists ! His connection with Rev. Wright is scary! The dividing tone of this church is scary! Michelle Obama is scary. How Barack Obama chose this church is scary.
Given, Barack is a smart, calculating guy. He chose this church for a reason. Not because he grew up in it (like he is indoctrinating his daughters) as most children do in this country. This is a separatist church in the vein of Malcolm X. The chickens coming home to roost, the feeling of resentment and how the black community has been oppressed since slavery teachings.The 8000 members Barack would be in contact with is a plausable reason to join.It is easy to motivate a group of people against an enemy, a feeling of injustice that has been done to one by another could be putty in the hands of such an ambitious guy could be the reason. This is the moto of this church. Plain and simply BLACK AGAINST WHITE. NO IFS OR BUTS ABOUT IT. This feeling of injustice runs deep in Barack and ( I'VE NEVER BEEN PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN IN MY ADULT LIFE) Mrs Obama.
I think it divides our country. This church continues a message hate and REVENGE and blame of todays blacks.
WILL BARACK IF ELECTED PUSH FOR SOME SORT OF REPARATIONS SOME PAY BACK FOR SLAVERY. This is who Barack chose to be. This is what this church is all about.
Like most religions using God to explain a specific point of viewis common. Using GOD to justify what ever action you want from your followers is the rule since the Bible was written. Using GOD to explain why martyrdom is good is the code for Islam extremists ! His connection with Rev. Wright is scary! The dividing tone of this church is scary! Michelle Obama is scary. How Barack Obama chose this church is scary.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The man doth protest to much
No special interest money!
Obama has taken $1,180,103 from the top issuers of subprime loans. []
Obama received $266,907 from Lehman. []
Obama received $5395 from GMAC. []
Obama received $150,850 from CS First Boston . []
Obama received $11,250 from Countrywide. []
Obama received $9052 from Washington Mutual. []
Obama received $161,850 from Citigroup. []
Obama received $4600 from CBASS. []
Obama received $170,050 from Morgan Stanley. []
Obama received $1150 from Centex. []
Obama received $351,900 from Goldman Sachs. []
Obama has taken $1,180,103 from the top issuers of subprime loans. []
Obama received $266,907 from Lehman. []
Obama received $5395 from GMAC. []
Obama received $150,850 from CS First Boston . []
Obama received $11,250 from Countrywide. []
Obama received $9052 from Washington Mutual. []
Obama received $161,850 from Citigroup. []
Obama received $4600 from CBASS. []
Obama received $170,050 from Morgan Stanley. []
Obama received $1150 from Centex. []
Obama received $351,900 from Goldman Sachs. []
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Poor Bill bottom fishing aren't we now! Et to Brutus! Did you do your homework Bill or just put your name up for the highest bidder ? What do you as an endorser think about Obama the race card player, or did you get HOODWINKED AND BAMBOOZLED LIKE THE OTHER SOUTH CAROLINA FOLKS! They were hoodwinked just like MALCOLM X said they were in Harlem. Maybe you were BAMBOOZLED with the efficiencies of his chairmanship on the sub committee on foreign affairs. You know the committee with NO HEARINGS! Perhaps it was the tight connection with the accountants that keep finding REZKO MONEY in his pockets. I got it , it was that extensive foreign affairs experience he has. Remember the experience you mentioned in the debates you had. ??? What could it have been that convinced you that OBAMA should be put in charge of the most powerful nation in the world?? Once again you must have seen something! What was it BILL? What was it that swayed your vote? How about SELF INTEREST! HOW ABOUT SELF IMPORTANCE!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Obama and Wright
Barack Obama is an adult and is entitled to listen to his misguided Preacher anytime he wants. But if he really disagreed with the hate speech why did he keep exposing his young impressionable daughters to it all their lives? They didn't have a choice. Children learn by example, especially from someone who is considered family. " God damn America " sounds like something you might hear at a Madrassa not in a Christian church!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Wide eyed liberals Obamas base
On one end of the spectrum, we've heard the implication that my candidacy is somehow an exercise in affirmative action; that it's based solely on the desire of wide-eyed liberals to purchase racial reconciliation on the cheap. On the other end, we've heard my former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, use incendiary language to express views that have the potential not only to widen the racial divide, but views that denigrate both the greatness and the goodness of our nation; that rightly offend white and black alike.
Can we buy reconciliation and is he that cheap.
Can we buy reconciliation and is he that cheap.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Popular or Delegate Count
Every vote? What about that silly caucus stuff! It has to be decided by delegates. If we wanted a true representation of who the Democrats would like why let Independents vote or Republicans in some states for that matter vote. This is a race for the Democrats not the Republicans or the Independents.Why do you think most Democrats vote for Hillary yet The Messiah Obama has more votes and caucus wins? What a screwed up system . The Messiah has HOODWINKED OKEY-DOKED AND BAMBOOZLED " to use his racially charged words" a whole lot of people.
The Messiah took that phrase from Malcolm X.
The Messiah took that phrase from Malcolm X.
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Racial Messiah
92% of the black vote! He has played the race card to perfection. The MSM has even created a new word for his racist campaign identity politics. The Hood wink is going on all right the okey doke for sure and the old Bamboozle two step. He has played the race card well. As soon as someone points it out he calls them a racist or race baiting. He was the first after his loss in NH to say the white voters in NH were racist by introducing the Tom Bradley effect. Bill Clinton mentioned what a FAIRY TALE his record on war voting was since in got to the senate . AND BAM what a racist Bill Clinton was Race Baiting the people of SC. Now we see Reverend Wright as a true racist militant God Damning America and all. Reverend Wright has been helping Barack hone his racial politics for twenty years.
Here is what I posted on Obama's Huffpo blog.
I'm posting it here because I seriously doubt it will get posted there:
Good judgment?
Let me give you a lesson in good judgment Mr. Obama.
When I was in High School, I was a popular kid, captain of the football team type. One day, I made friends with this quirky kid, somewhat out of sympathy because he wasn't very popular and because
I like to make friends no matter who a person may be. About one year after we became friends, I guess he felt really comfortable around me because he gave me a brochure and a pamphlet and asked me to attend a KKK meeting with him, then he mentioned other kids I was friends with who were already members. I immediately shoved his papers back into his hands and told him what I thought about racists like the KKK and never had anything more to do with him after that day. All those other kids he told me about never spoke to me again and always gave me weird looks. But I could care less.
Now you on the other hand walked into a Church where the pastor openly spoke hatred about his country and about White people over 20 years ago. What was your judgment then? You could have got up and left. But you didn't. I think it's because you knew that you needed to be a member of that Church in order to fulfill your political ambitions in that part of Chicago.
Again speaking about your judgment, Rev Wright made some of his anti-American comments back in the year 2003. What did you do? Did you renounce his comments then? No. Did you stop going to hear his sermons? No.
There’s an article in the New York Times which clearly demonstrates that you and your campaign knew Rev. Wright’s hate filled sermons would hurt you in this election over a year ago and how you were taking steps to limit the potential damage. Did you show the good judgment to renounce Wright’s comments then? No.
Mr. Obama, there’s this all too familiar pattern coming from you and your campaign in this election, in that after everyone of your electoral losses, your campaign immediately attacks someone close to Hillary Clinton as being a racist. Not only do I find these attacks on Hillary Clinton as being all too convenient, I marvel at the hutzpah you have displayed, especially now considering all of the racism you so willingly subjected yourself to at your Church. Why is your feigned outrage on racism only targeted at your electoral opponent, but not at your mentor for the past twenty years? And he’s not your “crazy Uncle” as you have tried to downplay him. He’s your chosen mentor, in your own words.
Also, as I’m sure you are well aware, there’s this anti-White speech in the movie Malcolm X where the fictional Malcolm X blames White people for all of what ails the Black community. How do I know that you know about this hate filled speech? Because you crib whole lines from it and recite them whenever you speak in front of mostly Black audiences. You really get a good laugh when you say “That’s what they do! They bamboozle you! They hoodwink you”, because you know what those words mean in front of that audience.
Just as I could see right though George W. Bush back in 2000, and I knew he was a fraud and I took the heat for calling him one, I know that you too are a fraud. And I see right though you. You should be ashamed of yourself for what you have done to the Clintons. But I’m sure you hate them just as much as your mentor Wright has shown that he does, other wise you would have shown the “good judgment” to walk away from his hate speech twenty years ago, just as I walked away from the KKK 30 years ago.
Here is what I posted on Obama's Huffpo blog.
I'm posting it here because I seriously doubt it will get posted there:
Good judgment?
Let me give you a lesson in good judgment Mr. Obama.
When I was in High School, I was a popular kid, captain of the football team type. One day, I made friends with this quirky kid, somewhat out of sympathy because he wasn't very popular and because
I like to make friends no matter who a person may be. About one year after we became friends, I guess he felt really comfortable around me because he gave me a brochure and a pamphlet and asked me to attend a KKK meeting with him, then he mentioned other kids I was friends with who were already members. I immediately shoved his papers back into his hands and told him what I thought about racists like the KKK and never had anything more to do with him after that day. All those other kids he told me about never spoke to me again and always gave me weird looks. But I could care less.
Now you on the other hand walked into a Church where the pastor openly spoke hatred about his country and about White people over 20 years ago. What was your judgment then? You could have got up and left. But you didn't. I think it's because you knew that you needed to be a member of that Church in order to fulfill your political ambitions in that part of Chicago.
Again speaking about your judgment, Rev Wright made some of his anti-American comments back in the year 2003. What did you do? Did you renounce his comments then? No. Did you stop going to hear his sermons? No.
There’s an article in the New York Times which clearly demonstrates that you and your campaign knew Rev. Wright’s hate filled sermons would hurt you in this election over a year ago and how you were taking steps to limit the potential damage. Did you show the good judgment to renounce Wright’s comments then? No.
Mr. Obama, there’s this all too familiar pattern coming from you and your campaign in this election, in that after everyone of your electoral losses, your campaign immediately attacks someone close to Hillary Clinton as being a racist. Not only do I find these attacks on Hillary Clinton as being all too convenient, I marvel at the hutzpah you have displayed, especially now considering all of the racism you so willingly subjected yourself to at your Church. Why is your feigned outrage on racism only targeted at your electoral opponent, but not at your mentor for the past twenty years? And he’s not your “crazy Uncle” as you have tried to downplay him. He’s your chosen mentor, in your own words.
Also, as I’m sure you are well aware, there’s this anti-White speech in the movie Malcolm X where the fictional Malcolm X blames White people for all of what ails the Black community. How do I know that you know about this hate filled speech? Because you crib whole lines from it and recite them whenever you speak in front of mostly Black audiences. You really get a good laugh when you say “That’s what they do! They bamboozle you! They hoodwink you”, because you know what those words mean in front of that audience.
Just as I could see right though George W. Bush back in 2000, and I knew he was a fraud and I took the heat for calling him one, I know that you too are a fraud. And I see right though you. You should be ashamed of yourself for what you have done to the Clintons. But I’m sure you hate them just as much as your mentor Wright has shown that he does, other wise you would have shown the “good judgment” to walk away from his hate speech twenty years ago, just as I walked away from the KKK 30 years ago.
OxyCon | 03.14.2008 - 6:43 pm | #
Hermann Goering
Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
Hermann Goering
Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Messiah and Revered Wright
The Messiah can't denounce repudiate or get away from the Rev Wright. He has been listening to his white man bashing for 20 years. He named his book after his sermon. He had his children baptized by him. The Messiah is one of the Reverends sheep a part of the flock. The Messiah has been indoctrinated with this not at all like some Uncle how has too much to drink one night and starts shooting off his mouth. The Messiah worshiped this guy!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Nothing sexier then a woman you have to salute
You've got to love Jack. Let me get this straight for all you Obama The Messiah supporters. You would rather have a Chicago Iraqi supported flim flam man then a woman who spent 8 years in the White House and 6 in the US Senate. WOW YOU ARE DUMBER THEN DIRT. The dumbing of America coming to roost. REZKO,AUCHI AND AIHAM ALSAMARRAE. All connected to The Messiah all didn't want to blow up their cash cow, IRAQ.All courted The Messiah. WHY? Why did he give that speech? TO COVER IS CORRUPT ASS WITH HIS BIG DONORS.
Jacks you tube ad.
Jacks you tube ad.
Friday, March 7, 2008
How will McCain win
This is an easy one! The greedy for power incompetent Super delegates. Those who want to be owed a favor from a rookie president. Those willing to ignore The Messiah Barack Obama's past in sleazy South Side to the MidEast Iraq connections. Let him become the nominee with their support. McCain will unearth the true dealings of The Messiah with Rezko, Auchi and Aiham Alsamarrae. This will never fly with most Americans. If it swims like a fish, looks fishyand stinks like a fish it is pretty much a fish and the beef eating American people will not swallow it. Mark My Words. check out the stories starting already. story one
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Why did Barack speak out against the war
Why The Messiah spoke out not to invade Iraq!
Several US political fundraisers are currently on trial for corruption in connection with loans received from Auchi. Auchi is currently barred from entering the US by the state department as an undesirable alien.[3]
Nadhmi Auchi was viewed with a lot of suspicion by the Iraqi opposition to Saddam Hussein's regime, regarding him as a front-man for Saddam's intelligence service.[4] Auchi was involved in several multi-billion business deals in the post-Saddam era too, such as the Orascom mobile phone network (IraqNa), and at least one power generation contract involving Chicago-based tycoon Antoin Rezko and Iraq's former Minister of Electricity, Aiham Alsamarrae, who has been convicted over corruption charges in Iraq and is now living in Chicago.
This is a quote from
why did he give his now famous speech?His friends and money people told him to .
Several US political fundraisers are currently on trial for corruption in connection with loans received from Auchi. Auchi is currently barred from entering the US by the state department as an undesirable alien.[3]
Nadhmi Auchi was viewed with a lot of suspicion by the Iraqi opposition to Saddam Hussein's regime, regarding him as a front-man for Saddam's intelligence service.[4] Auchi was involved in several multi-billion business deals in the post-Saddam era too, such as the Orascom mobile phone network (IraqNa), and at least one power generation contract involving Chicago-based tycoon Antoin Rezko and Iraq's former Minister of Electricity, Aiham Alsamarrae, who has been convicted over corruption charges in Iraq and is now living in Chicago.
This is a quote from
why did he give his now famous speech?His friends and money people told him to .
the 3am phone call
The Messiah has no idea what do do when the phone call comes at 3am. This is really why he should cut a deal now and plead with Hillary to let him be on the ticket as VP to get a clue what it is like on the big stage. Check out this link from LarryJohnson.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Obama hope
Michelle Obama nugget at The New Yorker:
Obama begins with a broad assessment of life in America in 2008, and life is not good: we're a divided country, we're a country that is "just downright mean," we are "guided by fear," we're a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. "We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day," she said, as heads bobbed in the pews. "Folks are just jammed up, and it's gotten worse over my lifetime. And, doggone it, I'm young. Forty-four!"
Red States for The Messiah Blue for Hillary
The Messiah and his racist wife have no place in this race he can win all the red states he wants but TRUE DEMOCRATS vote for Hillary. Look at the map of her wins to his. All the Kool Aid drinkers and cult followers united can't face facts. His experience as a neighborhood drug taking organizer will not cut it as president of the most powerful nation in the world. Get some experience and come back and ask for our vote when he has a record of fighting for things that matter to the entire country not just the south side of Chicago. Then we'll see what he is made of!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Jack Nicholson
Jack said it best in an interview with MTV News about his endorsement of Hillary.
"On the other hand, I am Irish. I like being involved in the community. As they say, if you don't educate yourself about the political system you're doomed to be led by inferior people. That's one of my fears."
"On the other hand, I am Irish. I like being involved in the community. As they say, if you don't educate yourself about the political system you're doomed to be led by inferior people. That's one of my fears."
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Obama change
Will some one ask the Messiah how much change the likes of Ted Kennedy and Jay Rockefeller will be bringing to his Whitehouse?Change PLEASE He is as corrupt as all the rest of Chicago politicians. Ask Rezko and the Iraqi businessman who sponsored him. The guys who wanted to voice an opinion not to invade Iraq. Not all that altruistic when you look beyond the smokein cocaine veil of Change.
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Boy do I miss Moms cookin
Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Louis Farrakhan and Barack Obama! Racial tensions in this country have led us to this. Obama in South Carolina called the Clinton race baiting for Bill Clintons comparison of Obamas voting record on the war a Fairy Tale.
January 23, 2008 8:06 PM
ABC News' Sunlen Miller Reports: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., warned a Sumter, South Carolina crowd against the "hoodwinking," "bamboozling" and "okey doke" by people in other campaigns.
"Don't be confused when you start hearing a whole bunch of this negative stuff. Those are the same old tricks. They're trying to bamboozle you. It's the same old okey doke……Don't let people turn you around because they're just making stuff up! That's what they do. They try to bamboozle you…. to hoodwink you!"
"You've been hoodwinked. You've been had. You've been took. You've been led astray, led amok. You’ve been bamboozled." - Malcolm X
According to founder Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, the Muslim Cult of Islam started in July 4, 1930. Ford proclaimed he was sent to wake "the black nation to the full range of the black man's possibilities in a world temporarily dominated by the blue-eyed devils." He taught that the African American culture was unique and separate from that of "the Caucasian devils." SOUND FAMILIAR?