Friday, March 28, 2008


OK REV. WRIGHT IS A RACIST SO WHAT! What does it say about Obama?

Given, Barack is a smart, calculating guy. He chose this church for a reason. Not because he grew up in it (like he is indoctrinating his daughters) as most children do in this country. This is a separatist church in the vein of Malcolm X. The chickens coming home to roost, the feeling of resentment and how the black community has been oppressed since slavery teachings.The 8000 members Barack would be in contact with is a plausable reason to join.It is easy to motivate a group of people against an enemy, a feeling of injustice that has been done to one by another could be putty in the hands of such an ambitious guy could be the reason. This is the moto of this church. Plain and simply BLACK AGAINST WHITE. NO IFS OR BUTS ABOUT IT. This feeling of injustice runs deep in Barack and ( I'VE NEVER BEEN PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN IN MY ADULT LIFE) Mrs Obama.
I think it divides our country. This church continues a message hate and REVENGE and blame of todays blacks.

WILL BARACK IF ELECTED PUSH FOR SOME SORT OF REPARATIONS SOME PAY BACK FOR SLAVERY. This is who Barack chose to be. This is what this church is all about.

Like most religions using God to explain a specific point of viewis common. Using GOD to justify what ever action you want from your followers is the rule since the Bible was written. Using GOD to explain why martyrdom is good is the code for Islam extremists ! His connection with Rev. Wright is scary! The dividing tone of this church is scary! Michelle Obama is scary. How Barack Obama chose this church is scary.

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