Friday, April 25, 2008

Wake Up America!

We are continually asked to trust Obama's judgment! He was a community organizer in the South Side of Chicago. News reports today are saying the South Side of Chicago is the MURDER capitol of our country. How well did he do? How well did he ORGANIZE? How Well did he bring people together? Here are the efforts of 20years working in the South Side!!! Can he handle the whole country? Wake up AMERICA! Wake up Indiana! Wake up North Carolina! Wake up Oregon! Wake up Kentucky!Wake up West Virgina! Wake up South Dakota! Wake up Montana!
Rev. Wrights chickens are coming home to roost! The great community organizer of the South Side of Chicago should be held accountable for all the violence in the South Side as well. 40 shootings this past week 13 murders. How well did Barack Obama bring people together what problems did he solve in the South Side? Perhaps the hate filled “I’m a victim” speeches of Rev. Wright manifest themselves in violence throughout the community? Perhaps we should look a litter closer at Obama’s claim he brought people together as a community organizer?

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