What a JOKE the only problem is the JOKE IS ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE as well as all air breathing things. There is much talk about how many miles per-gallon cars should get and how coal should be made to burn cleaner and how will we convince the world nuclear power is safe again and can we make the pipe lines safer to drill in ANWAR ect.
The real problem is how do we get control away from the big oil companies, the big coal companies ,the big utility companies, and the paid off politicians. The Department of Energy is corrupt read this report and see for yourself. www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10922&page=1
This clearly shows an objective of protecting the status quo and big business. The premise is the hydrogen should be produced in large quantities and then distributed to the end user. This does one thing very well. It puts in place a cost of distribution and a profiteer on that distribution. This scenario dismisses local small production facilities. This keeps in place the electric grid the vertical monopoly of energy producer and distributors and retailers. Bold thinking, establishment crushing ideas are out there but they need the support of the people. Our society will embrace the idea because it is a good idea to breath clean air.
The fuel cell was invented in 1839.
Think small for big gains.
More on this later.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
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