Once again I call out to all the SOCIALLY CONSERVATIVES the RELIGIOUS RIGHT the MORAL as oppose to the immoral REPUBLICAN BASE and ask, how can you justify what you've done? Is Torture the Christian thing to do! There should be MORAL OUTRAGE with the President you got elected. He has lied to you and now dragged you down so low you find yourself justifying torture. WOW!!! What will GOD THINK when you are at the HOLY GATE ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS ABOUT YOUR HAND IN CONDONING TORTURE TO ANOTHER HUMAN BEING.
It wasn't all that long ago I listened to the Republican Base complaining that Bill Clinton disgraced the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENCY for having consensual sex. Now that was "in the words of LARRY CRAIG being a Naughty very Naughty Boy" . But starting a war under false pretences killing thousands for oil and total miscalculations over costs involved and still not "HUNTIN HIM DOWN DEAD OR ALIVE" catching Bin Laden and now torture! Talk about disgrace.
Here is the problem with torture. If you can torture one you can torture ten if ten 100 if 100 then 1,000 . I have been to the concentration camps in Austria and Germany I have seen what human being can do to one another when Fear Motivates. I have seen the horrors of mankind and uncivilized abhorrent behavior. Is this a part of the America I love so much? Can this really be happening here.
I call on all the Religious Right to make their Christian Values heard and move to IMPEACH President Bush to set the record straight. A moral society will not tolerate torture. Show the world what is right.Show the world America has remorse and now humility . We have made a mistake and are taking steps to fix them. In the name of Jesus Christ forgive us our sins past. IMPEACH NOW!!!!
Just One More Reason to Ramble.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
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