Sunday, January 27, 2008
Boycott GE
Friday, January 25, 2008
media mistakes
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The media has turned our two best candidates in years or even history into racist petty fighting cats and dogs.
I just heard Leo Terelle"some radio talk show guy" screaming on MSNBC how the black people will not come out to vote if Hillary is the nominee . NOW THAT'S SMART! I watched this unfold. Right after the NH loss by Barack CNN and MSNBC started questioning the TOM BRADLY effect. Michael Eric Dyson and Donna Brazel both questioning whether the people in NEW Hampshire were telling poll takers they voted for Barack but the racist they are couldn't pull the lever for a black man. Then came the Martin Luther King JR. to LBJ comment the media jumped all over saying Hillary was a racist for dissin MLK. Certainly questionable at best and taken totally out of context. Then came the Fairy Tale Remark again HOW was that Racist yet the media was all over it. Then came the drug use by Barack with the Hillary campaign and next BET founder Jhonson.
OK that is the chronology as I see it.
I do have to ask how is any of this racist except in the eyes of the media who want it to be racist to get ratings.
Drug use is racist to whom? I've been to many twelve step program meetings and I will tell you flat out DRUGS DON"T CARE WHAT COLOR RACE, RELIGION OR HOW RICH OR POOR YOU ARE! I fail to see how this is a racial issue. The media wants it to be but how is it? Furthermore the Martin Luther King Jr. needing LBJ to help fulfill his dream is fact not racial or anything but. Hillary was pointing out that Barack was a dreamer not a realist or a doer. That was not racist but questioning his lack of experience. Finally the "Fairy Tale" once again putting in question Baracks voting record since his campaign is based almost exclusively on that one issue. Not racially motivated at all.
So only a pawn in their game but today the pawns are the politicians and we the people, and the chess masters are the major corporations that control the media.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Obambas free pass
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Reagan! Who is That ????
Why is Obama so popular with young people.They can't see through the rose colored glasses of Obama Girls pining for Barack. Think about it, a twenty year old today was in 6th grade when GWB was elected. Do ya think they remember Ronald Reagan? Do you think that is why Obama is so popular with the young crowd and not with the beaten, scared, battle hardened,fathers and mothers of those young idealistic future presidents and industry captains . Think about it!The Hillary supporters have been here before and remember GW Bushes speeches and how Reagan crushed the unions of this country. How GWB said was the uniter and the compassionate one. They appreciate knowledge from ones experiences. They have a deep love for our country and a reverence for hard work. They know politics is a tit for tat system and Hillary knows it too. This tit for tat system has been working for over 200 years and is the reason we are the longest standing democracy in the world. Our system gives weight to tenure and paying dues. To think a rookie untested, unproven, with grand oratory should be in control of the most powerful nation on the planet is what the older generation is concerned about.
Vote with head and heart not just heart.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I Hate I told you so
Monday, January 14, 2008
Obamba The Divider!
When has drug use been a racial issue? How is the fact that Barack Obamba used drugs as a kid not legitimate to help show a mans character. WHAT WILL WE TELL OUR CHILDREN!!!! It's OK to use cocaine son you could still be President!!!!!! WTF. Do as I say not as I do! OH wait that might be a racial thing about Barack as well. He talks good but does nothing! Still he needs, wants and (deserves ) your vote because he is Black. PLEASE!!!!! He has a dream!!! SO DO WE ALL!! Just as in life we have to work for what we get. Where is his work?
Friday, January 11, 2008
Chris Matthews stokes the fires of racism!
Obamba plays the race card!! What a suprise!
I would have expected this from (he who loves his own voice DYSON) but Donna Brazil on CNN yesterday and now Clyburn in today's New York Times. As the story reports Clyburn said he would stay out of it to promote economic support for his state and promote tourism. Well we will watch the element of racism enter into his tourist state. What a legacy what a way to join us together Mr. Obama.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
How can the Democrats lose?
So we have a guy who has nothing but a dream and a silver tongue and we are willing to make him the Democratic candidate for president of the most powerful nation in the world. DO YOU THINK THE PEOPLE Of THIS COUNTRY WILL BUY IT?
I DON'T and I'm an average Joe!
Racism in New Hampshire!!!
Still What happened!
"fairy tails""dreams" or Band Instruments for a Grand Parade" just to get elected. How about that as an explanation.
Quick Ramblings
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Perhaps it was substances in her message. It was a fact she knew the issues in the debate. It was the people of New Hampshire being informed. It was the backlash to an unfair biases media at MSNBC and FOX most notably.
The people of New Hampshire are more savvy then those in Iowa. Lets face it they are more metropolitan than the flat landers and farmers of Big city Des Monies, population of under 200 thousand. When Nashua is only 50 miles 0r so from Boston with a population of 4.5 million.
It was a turnout for the good of the country. Mothers and fathers had to come out and override their sophomoric sons and daughters. What is common about young college kids and Barack Obama? Neither one has experience. That is why college kids don't walk into CEO positions. Barack is the Junior senator from Illinois not the accomplished statesman, not the impeccably groomed JFK or hardened civil rights leader Marten Luther King Jr. in inspires to be .
Rock Star Obamba
Worried about my kid future!
ramblings and worries!
Monday, January 7, 2008
The romantic vs the realist
The passionate shepherd to his love |
COME live with me and be my Love, | |
And we will all the pleasures prove | |
That hills and valleys, dale and field, | |
And all the craggy mountains yield. | |
| |
There will we sit upon the rocks | |
And see the shepherds feed their flocks, | |
By shallow rivers, to whose falls | |
Melodious birds sing madrigals. | |
| |
There will I make thee beds of roses | |
And a thousand fragrant posies, | |
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle | |
Embroider'd all with leaves of myrtle. | |
| |
A gown made of the finest wool | |
Which from our pretty lambs we pull, | |
Fair linèd slippers for the cold, | |
With buckles of the purest gold. | |
| |
A belt of straw and ivy buds | |
With coral clasps and amber studs: | |
And if these pleasures may thee move, | |
Come live with me and be my Love. | |
| |
Thy silver dishes for thy meat | |
As precious as the gods do eat, | |
Shall on an ivory table be | |
Prepared each day for thee and me. | |
| |
The shepherd swains shall dance and sing | |
For thy delight each May-morning: | |
If these delights thy mind may move, | |
Then live with me and be my Love. | |
By Christopher Marlowe
The Bait
Come live with me, and be my love,
And we will some new pleasures prove
Of golden sands, and crystal brooks,
With silken lines, and silver hooks.
There will the river whispering run
Warm'd by thy eyes, more than the sun;
And there the 'enamour'd fish will stay,
Begging themselves they may betray.
When thou wilt swim in that live bath,
Each fish, which every channel hath,
Will amorously to thee swim,
Gladder to catch thee, than thou him.
If thou, to be so seen, be'st loth,
By sun or moon, thou dark'nest both,
And if myself have leave to see,
I need not their light having thee.
Let others freeze with angling reeds,
And cut their legs with shells and weeds,
Or treacherously poor fish beset,
With strangling snare, or windowy net.
Let coarse bold hands from slimy nest
The bedded fish in banks out-wrest;
Or curious traitors, sleeve-silk flies,
Bewitch poor fishes' wand'ring eyes.
For thee, thou need'st no such deceit,
For thou thyself art thine own bait:
That fish, that is not catch'd thereby,
Alas, is wiser far than I.
Ramblings and Thoughts with this one.
Who would you hire?
Likable Hillary or competent Hillary
John Edwards specific bill the patients bill of rights he claimed to be his major accomplishment never passed the house.What no major press even mentions it.
Obamas national co chair is Jim Demers a lobbyist for the drug companies not a peep from the main press. Check out
I wish I could have a national news station like Rupert Murdock.
Well just some ramblings I hope some day I can figure out how to get the world to read them.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Iowa Obamba Huckabee
Think of Obamba as a little baby seal floating on an ice flow in the open sea and the Republican killer whales are drooling just waiting for him to jump off.
Think of Huckabee as a guy who never mind need I say more . Should a TV preacher run the most powerful country in the world. We already have a religious nut running the country. We see what happens when you seek advice from a higher father rather then a your father, guy who has been president for advice.
Ramblings again.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
What a gas!!1
Why in 1911 did we the people ,our government break up Standard Oil or in today's name Exxon. Think about it. Yet now Exxon has merged with Mobil who by coincidence was Standard Oil as well,right after the breakup.To form Exxonmobil.
The Energy Information Adminastration in a 2007 report was still saying oil would be priced at $49 dollars a barrel. WOW could they have been more wrong. See for your self this report to our
Well I need to finish this up to get back to politics.
Just some ramblings!
Blog Archive
- Boycott GE
- media mistakes
- Obambas free pass
- Reagan! Who is That ????
- I Hate I told you so
- Obamba The Divider!
- Chris Matthews stokes the fires of racism!
- Obamba plays the race card!! What a suprise!
- How can the Democrats lose?
- Racism in New Hampshire!!!
- Still What happened!
- Yahoooooooo!
- Rock Star Obamba
- The romantic vs the realist
- Who would you hire?
- Likable Hillary or competent Hillary
- Iowa Obamba Huckabee
- What a gas!!1
Other sites of note

Boy do I miss Moms cookin