Friday, January 11, 2008

Obamba plays the race card!! What a suprise!

Obamba has now set off a race riot in the Democratic party. How surprising coming into South Carolina. They have even dragged James Clyburn into the fray after he said he wouldn't. You can bet your bottom dollar after SC he will try to make nice nice saying it never happened. Bring it on! The Republicans will have a field day. Calling the Clintons RACIEST PLEASE!!!!!! Anything to take attention away from the fact he has nothing concrete to talk about.This guy is UNBELIEVABLE. That will be seen by all Americans if he get the Democratic nomination and there will be a Republican in office next year.
I would have expected this from (he who loves his own voice DYSON) but Donna Brazil on CNN yesterday and now Clyburn in today's New York Times. As the story reports Clyburn said he would stay out of it to promote economic support for his state and promote tourism. Well we will watch the element of racism enter into his tourist state. What a legacy what a way to join us together Mr. Obama.

1 comment:

Political Season said...

Obama did not start the race row. Hillary made a statement that didn't come out quite right. A reasonable person would not have called her racist regarding the LBJ comment and I'm a reasonable person. But it was not well made and people reacted to it and then the whole thing was off to the races.

The Clintons have made statements and not been careful about how some of those statements will be heard and frankly given all their experience in the black community, I expected them to have a more deft touch. Clyburn and others who commented did so because the Clinton campaign has floated trial balloon personal attack stuff like the drug use references (the most inflammatory). Black folks see that as dirty politics, not fair fighting. The Clintons have lots of black supporters, but they lost a bunch of folks as soon as they resorted to the dirty stuff. No one will complain if they beat Obama for the nomination in a fair fight, but the dirty stuff won't be well received. I have several posts on their tactics at and how I think that stuff is playing. Surrogates like Rangel calling Obama stupid and working the drug thing into his comments, or former BET owner Bob Johnson (regarded by many blacks as a smut peddler with no moral authority) alluding to the drug use (which he apologized for, if it was cool, then why back down?) are all sorta of low down personal attack stuff and a lot of blacks see it that way.

Don't kid yourself. The Clintons are playing for keeps and they are using the politics of personal destruction as a major weapon. Its the game they have played in beating republicans and they are employing that skill set on Obama. I'm an Obama supporter, but I don't hate the Clintons. I voted for Bill too. But I don't think anyone can fairly say that Obama has been the aggressor in raising personal attacks on the Clintons. He's now having to engage in this stuff (which I don't consider to be the best ground to fight on for him) which puts him at a disadvantage. They are better at it, hands down. Rezko. I've heard the story. Sounds like he got a favor and the issue is that the favor came from somebody labeled a slum lord. If the same favor had been done by someone we thought was a saint, would it be a conversation? I have not seen anything that documents any illegality, nor have I seen anything that suggests Rezko got some political favoritism out of it. Even on Hillary's own attack site where they go into the Rezko thing in depth, what is the point other than a guilt by association tactic?

If you buy Hillary's experience argument and you like her style better, those are fine reasons to vote for her. I've had enough Clinton/Bush, I don't weight her experience as the great advantage she does, and she doesn't inspire confidence in me because I don't think she is politically trustworthy. There is not a dime's worth of difference between them politically if you want to be real about it, so it comes down to style, feel and who you like better. I'll take Obama for the aforementioned reasons, and I enjoy debating people about it.


Boy do I miss Moms cookin
