Thursday, January 24, 2008


This is an analogy that I think makes sense. They call the Clinton camp a machine and Obamas an insurgent. If you are building a skyscraper "our gargantuan government" would you hire a guy with a hammer and a few friends to build it or would you hire a guy with a MACHINE? Our system of government works with a TIT FOR TAT system. I scratch your back you scratch mine. This system is what gives smaller states and smaller groups a voice. In a perfect world all laws and focus would be based on a collective merit system but this is not a happily ever after society. This is the real world. The Clintons for better or worse have a lot of "political capitol" favors to collect on alot of back scratching that has been done by them and for them hence the MACHINE. That is why they are choice for me. They will be able to get things done in a hurry. They know all the players.

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Boy do I miss Moms cookin
