Thursday, April 17, 2008

Big leagues now for Obama.

Lets face it Barack Obama has been sleeping with dogs. We should know about the company he keeps as a judgment of his character. I said the same thing when Giuliani was courting Pat Robertson. Obama chose Rev Wright, Rezko, Auchi, Bill Ayers and who else we don't know yet. These radicals are what got him elected in Chicago. This is the guy he wanted to be. He was a big fish in a small pond, the South Side. His church kept it's flock organized by uniting against White Government. Bill Ayers was a radical and still to this day is a radical. Louis Farrakhan is a radical. All this worked for Barry Obama , he even changed his name to fit in with this crowd, until now. He is in the big leagues now and most people should know about who they are electing for the most powerful position in the world.

Every child knows to chose their friends to pass the mom and dad test. You all have heard Birds of a feather flock together. Look it up on google if you want and you will find hundreds 0f examples in the corporate world and how to be a positive force in society by choosing your friends wisely.
ABC did us a favor and it should not be dismissed so lightly by Barack or any of his fans since none of you really know him as far as you can throw a piano.

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Boy do I miss Moms cookin
