Friday, March 14, 2008

The Racial Messiah

92% of the black vote! He has played the race card to perfection. The MSM has even created a new word for his racist campaign identity politics. The Hood wink is going on all right the okey doke for sure and the old Bamboozle two step. He has played the race card well. As soon as someone points it out he calls them a racist or race baiting. He was the first after his loss in NH to say the white voters in NH were racist by introducing the Tom Bradley effect. Bill Clinton mentioned what a FAIRY TALE his record on war voting was since in got to the senate . AND BAM what a racist Bill Clinton was Race Baiting the people of SC. Now we see Reverend Wright as a true racist militant God Damning America and all. Reverend Wright has been helping Barack hone his racial politics for twenty years.

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Boy do I miss Moms cookin
